History of Appletree Point, Burlington's North End

The history is a work in progress. It includes professional research, as well as oral histories, photographs, and recollections of local people whose families have lived in the North End of Burlington for many generations. http://bluebrickpreservation.com/pdf/aphs.pdf



Abby McIntosh, Keithie Srague, Bill Moulton III, Cslr Dave Hartnett , Gary Rogers, Mayor Kiss, Sue Prim


KS: Yes. And that was one of the hardest things when my girls went up there to high school, that they called it Edmunds and I’d always say, no it’s not, it’s Burlington High School. And there’s another thing – … Billy Moulton. He was one of the star basketball players in Burlington and he died. He was in the National Guard with my brother and he was the first Burlington boy killed overseas. And Moulton Armory – I still haven’t gotten over them turning Moulton Armory into what it is today. I’ve felt as if – how quick we forget. I’ve been over there and I haven’t seen a plaque with his name on it.
MS: Our armory here?
KS: Mmm-hmm.
GR: Which became the National Guard Armory?
KS: It was the National Guard when it was built. And the name Moulton Armory came from because Billy was the first – he was in the Battle of Normandy and he was killed.
MS: Somebody could look into that.
GR: I’m thinking that.
MS: Somebody could – I mean there’s room for a plaque in there.
KS: I would hope so.
GR: And a little story.
KO: Definitely.
GR: A story about him and how it was originally – a little history of the armory…

from Keithie Sprague's Oral history, recorded and transcribed by Gloria Reynolds, Mary Scully, and Kaitlin O’Shea. Printed in the Appletree Point Historical Society history of the North End, 2011.  

Today the Moulton Armory is a community and recreation center with a large basketball court where hundreds of Burlington people of all ages shoot the hoops and scramble. We think Billy would have liked this. The flag and the commemorative will be on display at the community center, and efforts are underway to return the original plaque that Keithie remembers to the center.

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